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Follow the adventure of a French volunteer in Denmark!

I'm Marine, a 24 years old French girl, and in this blog I'm inviting you to follow me during this year of crazy experiences in Denmark!

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Flensburg: let's call this place "heaven"!

One month, this is how long it took me and the other volunteers before organizing an emergency trip to Germany. As much as I wish it was coming from an urging need to explore the world, to practice my amazing German skills or to discover the country and culture of Hannah and Jana, we had a much pecuniary interest. 💸

It is common knowledge that Denmark is a rather expensive country (5th most expansive country in Europe to be specific). All of us came prepared for the Danish prices – I actually expected things to be more expansive – and decided to quit the “useless spending”, meaning alcohol, snacks and all those unhealthy things that we love too much for our own good.

But eventually, we decided to experience the nightlife in Denmark… And trust me on this, it was a hell of an experience!

Simply put, the Danes that behave so nicely during the day go WILD during the night. And since everything starts super early here, they are already super drunk by 23:00. (Stay tuned, I’m planning a whole video dedicated to the nightlife here!) Once we recovered from the shock, we came to realize that since they all managed to drink alcohol – even the poor little students – there had to be a trick for us to get cheap drinks and hopefully sweets!

The answered arrived during the following week. Maria and I described the crazy experience we lived on the weekend to a co-worker, who shared with us the secret for cheap products: Germany! Indeed, in Denmark, you can find bus companies offering a day trip to a German supermarket (Yes, that's a thing!) and many Danes even rent a car in order to travel by themselves.

We talked about this with the rest of the volunteers and, without thinking twice, five of us rented a car for the next Saturday – as I said before, emergency travel!

This all adventure started with the surprise of having a much bigger car than expected (Going from a Twingo to this, please...) and trying to make it out of the city without running over one of the many bikes.

After 2 hours driving, singing and laughing, we finally made it to Flensburg!

First stop: the supermarket. Proudly facing the disapproving looks coming from many other clients, we spent a huge part (not to say all) of our pocket money in alcohol, French wine (of course!) and chocolate!

Then, we went to the city center for a nice touristic moment, and more shopping (Snipes, my weakness 👟👟).

The travel back to Aarhus was much calmer – especially in the back of the car – but I manage not to fall asleep.

I never thought I would ever travel to Germany to get alcohol (miss you Spanish frontier!), but it was so much fun that I’m definitely willing (and will need) to go back!

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